Coupons don't apply to mystery bags!
Indecisive or want a surprise? Grab one of these mystery bags to get some new pins for your collection at a great price ♥
The deluxe mystery bag includes a pin from my Patreon Pin Club! These designs are normally only available to club members. Over the years I've accumulated a lot of past designs and would love to share with anyone who doesn't want to join the club or wants a surprise ♥
I will update this frequently with the newest club designs. Anything currently in the secret shop is fair game!~
☆ 1x Pin Club pin
☆ 2x Limited Edition/Patreon Recolor pins
☆ 2x Weatherproof vinyl stickers
☆ 1x matte 4x6" postcard
☆ No duplicates in each pack, even if you buy more than one (may be duplicates if you make separate orders since I don't keep track of what I send you!)
B grade seconds pins are lightly flawed. Most flaws can't be seen unless viewed at an angle. These include scratches, light underfillings, misplaced glitter, etc. No requests please!