Covid Info
(updated July 19)
Due to restrictions which are different for every country I have to hold onto packages for some countries. Please let me know if your country is accepting mail from the USA as it is difficult to keep track of every post office website around the globe!
There are significant delays to any country outside of the USA. My normal cutoff for lost packages is 30 days normally, however, please wait up to 45 days before we can send a replacement package.
Currently I can't send packages to these countries (updated July 19)
- Angola
- Argentina
- Azerbaijan
- Bermuda
- Botswana
- Brunei
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Cayman Islands
- Chile
- Colombia
- Cook Islands
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Dominica
- Fiji
- French Guiana
- French Polynesia
- Gambia
- Guatemala
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Hong Kong
- Ivory Coast
- Japan - see below
- Jordan
- Kiribati
- Kosovo
- Kyrgyzstan
- Laos
- Liberia
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mongolia
- Myanmar
- New Caledonia
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Republic of Congo
- Samoa
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Sint Maarten
- Solomon Islands
- South Sudan
- Sudan
- Tajikistan
- Tanzania
- Timor-Leste
- Tonga
- Turks & Caicos
- Uganda
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Vanuatu
- Venezuela
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
Japan 7-10-20 Japan Post advises that its postal network has been severely affected by heavy rains and massive flooding. Some post offices have been closed. Some roads are inaccessible, which is delaying delivery of mail and parcels. Japan Post is making every effort to provide all international postal services, including express mail service and parcels, in spite of unavoidable delays. The affected areas are in the following postcode ranges: Nagano: 3800000–3999999, Gifu: 5000000–5099999, Shizuoka: 4100000–4399999, Aichi: 4400000–4989999, Nara: 6300000–6399999, Kyoto: 6000000–6299999, Osaka: 53000000–5999999, Hyogo: 6500000–6799999, Wakayama: 6400000–6499999, Ehime: 7900000–7999999,Yamaguchi: 7400000–7599999, Fukuoka: 8000000–8399999, 8710000–8710999, Saga: 8400000–8499999, Kumamoto: 8600000–8699999, Oita: 8700000–8799999, Nagasaki: 8500000–8599999, 8115000–8115999, 8170000–8179999, Kagoshima: 8900000–8999999.
Safety of the packages
Some of you might wonder about the packages and if they're safe to touch when they arrive. Although the CDC says the risk is low, I think a little caution wouldn't hurt.
The contents of the package should be clear of the virus, but that's only as far as I know. The time between the manufacturer shipping them to me sending them would be a week or more. As long as I'm not infected, the contents should be safe. The higher risk is the delivery person who puts the mail in the mailbox. Anyone can be sick and not know it, so better safe than sorry.
For your own sanity I think at least wipe down the mailer or use gloves to open <3